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BASF is committed to enhancing protection of human health and the environment, as well as boosting innovation to enable transition to safe and sustainable chemicals. The Inorganics Business of BASF is perusing projects and technologies that provide our customers with more environmentally friendly solutions. These include chemistries that enable the development and growth of low-carbon energy solutions (Alcoholate catalysts for biodiesel and life sciences, Sodium Nitrate for concentrated solar power facilities), or new products that improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes (Adlite® for bleaching in the paper industry). Furthermore, our plants are driving towards reductions in climate impact and reduce product carbon footprint by investigating the use of biomass balanced feedstock and clean energy solutions at our site in Ludwigshafen. Finally, our Inorganics Business is an active supporter of multiple industry promoting and the advancement of clean fuels such as biodiesel.

If a specific product is not listed, it may be because the product has been discontinued, is subject to confidentiality requirements or is only available in specific regions. Please use our General Contact Form to inquire about products not listed.

All of our product offerings can be found directly on the Products page of this website.

BASF Inorganics division spans industries such as mining, chemicals, food, pharmacy, water treatment, textile, agriculture, photo and leather. BASF Inorganics is present across North America, Europe, South America, Mexico and Asia regions.

Most technical data sheets (TDS) and safety data sheets (SDS) for basic inorganic chemicals sold by BASF are accessible directly on the Products page of this website

To place orders for BASF Inorganics products, please click here. Or use the Contact Us page to request more information.

Most of our products are produced by BASF in Germany and distributed to customers globally. Sodium methylate is also produced at BASF in Guaratinguetá, Brazil.

Verbund integration is at the core of BASF's business philosophy and is one of our main strengths. In our Verbund system, integrated processes consume less energy, minimize emissions, produce higher product yields and conserve resources. BASF currently operates six Verbund sites worldwide: two in North America, two in Europe and two in Asia.

More about Verbund integration

BASF Inorganics sells both directly to customers and via distribution. This depends on the product, location and quantities needed. To place orders for inorganic products, please use the Contact Us page to request more info.

Lead time may vary by region and product. The minimum order quantity is 1 (one) Full Container Load (FCL), and tonnage varies by product. All orders are shipped upon production and lead time varies by product. Please use the Contact Us page for specific inquiries.