When purity matters

There is no room for error in the electronics industry. BASF's inorganic materials offer the quality and reliability that it takes to meet the stringent requirements of electronics production.

Examples of applications include:

Ferric Chloride

  • Etching and surface treatment of metals and alloys in printed circuits

Ammonium Chloride

  • Production of dry batteries

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Inorganics for electrical & electronics

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Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes TDS Share
Ammonium Chloride
NA Grade 1000 KG, 25 KG 24 White, fine crystalline powder

Technical grade with anti-caking up to 0.05

NH4Cl content min. 99.7

Ferric Chloride
Anhydrous 998 KG, 60 KG Drum 12 Dark green to black crystalline powder

Strong oxidizing agent with hexagonal layer structure

FeCl3 content min. 98.7


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