Improving the properties of textile fibers

Stabilization of fibers can prevent degradation, promote structural integrity and reduce damage. Quality fibers require tough additives like BASF's inorganic chemicals.

Examples of applications include:

Sodium Sulfite and Sodium Metabisulfite

  • Solubilizing raw materials
  • Addition to coagulant baths
  • Bleaching
  • Removing sulfur from yarn

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Inorganics for textile fiber manufacturing

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Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes TDS Share
Sodium Sulfite
Technical Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG, 1250 KG 24 White or slightly yellowish, odorless, fine crystalline powder

Reducing and bleaching agent

Na2SO3 content min 97.5

Sodium Metabisulfite
Technical Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG, 1250 KG 24 White or slightly yellowish, fine crystalline powder, with an odor of SO2

Low level of impurity and consistency

Na2S2O5 content 97.2 – 100.5


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