Sodium Sulfite

Sodium sulfite is used as a food preservative and is a highly effective reducing and bleaching agent. It is used in the photographic industry to prevent developing solutions from oxidation, as an anticorrosive in water treatment or as an chlorine scavenger in textile industry. Accordingly, BASF provides sodium sulfite in technical, food and photo grades.

Sodium Metabisulfite

In the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, sodium metabisulfite is mainly used as reducing agent. Furthermore, it is ideal for the bleaching of vegetable fibers and textile, for the production of solutions, which are used in the developing of photos and films as well as for the treatment of tanning agents in dyeing of textiles. The chemical properties of sodium metabisulfite make it ideal for water treatment in mining applications.

Potassium Metabisulfite

Food grade potassium metabisulfite is used as a preservative in the production of wine. Food additives by BASF are strictly controlled and analyzed during the entire production process and evaluated in accordance with regional and global regulatory requirements.

Sodium Bisulfite Solution

As a reducing agent, Sodium Bisulfite Solution 38-40% Technical Grade is an important basic product for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, it might be applied in water treatment and in the textile, and leather industry.

Potassium Sulfite Solution

Potassium sulfite solution is mainly used as reducing agent for the photographic industry as well as for the water treatment. BASF offers an aqueous solution containing 45% potassium sulfite.

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Typical Markets

Food Industry
Water Treatment
Leather Treatment
Textile Fiber Manufacturing
Pulp & Paper
Industrial Explosives
Photographic & Film Industry

Associated Products

Sodium Sulfite

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
Food Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG 24 White, odorless, fine crystalline powder

Certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 50001:2018, FSSC 22000, HACCP, ISO 45001:2018, Kosher, Halal.

Na2SO3 content min 98.0

Food Industry , Water Treatment TDS
Technical Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG, 1250 KG 24 White or slightly yellowish, odorless, fine crystalline powder

Reducing and bleaching agent

Na2SO3 content min 97.5

Textiles , Leather Treatment , Textile Fiber Manufacturing , Pulp & Paper , Industrial Explosives , Water Treatment TDS
Photo Grade 25 KG 24 White, odorless, fine crystalline powder

Reducing and bleaching agent

Na2SO3 content min. 98.3

Photographic & Film Industry TDS

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Sodium Metabisulfite

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
Food Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG 24 White, fine crystalline powder, with an odor of SO2

Certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 50001:2018, FSSC 22000, HACCP, ISO 45001:2018, Kosher, Halal. Reducing agent for food preservation

Na2S2O5 content 97.2 – 100.5

Food Industry , Water Treatment TDS
Technical Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG, 1250 KG 24 White or slightly yellowish, fine crystalline powder, with an odor of SO2

Low level of impurity and consistency

Na2S2O5 content 97.2 – 100.5

Pulp & Paper , Textiles , Mining , Water Treatment , Leather Treatment , Petrochemicals , Textile Fiber Manufacturing TDS
Photo Grade 25 KG, 1200 KG 24 White, fine crystalline powder, with an odor of SO2

High purity product

Na2S2O5 content min. 98

Photographic & Film Industry TDS

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Potassium Metabisulfite

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
Food Grade 25 KG, produced in campaigns 24 White, fine crystalline powder, with an odor of SO2

Preservative and cleaning agent

K2S2O5 content min. 97.2

Food Industry TDS
Photo Grade 25 KG, produced in campaigns 24 White, fine crystalline powder with an odor of SO2

Compatible with ammoniacal silver nitrate reaction

K2S2O5 content min. 97.2


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Sodium Bisulfite Solution

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
38-40% solution Bulk, only available in Europe 12 Yellowish solution, with an odor of SO

NaHSO3 content 37.5 - 40.5


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Potassium Sulfite Solution

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
Solution 45% Bulk, only available in Europe 1 Clear, colorless liquid with a content of about 650 g/l

Reducing agent for the photographic industry

K2SO3 content 44.5 – 45.5


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