Aluminum Chloride

Aluminum chloride is used as catalyst or as a component of catalytic systems for various chemical reactions. Furthermore, aluminum chloride serves as an auxiliary in the manufacturing of pigments, dyes and colorants as well as in the paper and textile industry. BASF provides ground and screened aluminum chloride in anhydrous form.

Ferric Chloride

Anhydrous ferric chloride is a strong oxidizing agent. It serves as catalyst in various chemical reactions. Just like aluminum chloride, ferric chloride is a low Lewis acid. Ferric chloride is mainly used for the manufacturing of pigments and colors as well as in textile and paper industry. Metal chlorides from BASF are recognized in the industry for setting the standards of quality and are well-suited for demanding chemical processes.

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Typical Markets

Electrical & Electronics
Metal Treatment
Water Treatment
Crop Fertilization
Minerals & Pigments
Pulp & Paper
Polymeric Materials

Associated Products

Ferric Chloride

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
Anhydrous 998 KG, 60 KG Drum 12 Dark green to black crystalline powder

Strong oxidizing agent with hexagonal layer structure

FeCl3 content min. 98.7

Printing , Textiles , Electrical & Electronics , Metal Treatment , Water Treatment , Glass , Crop Fertilization , Petrochemicals , Minerals & Pigments TDS

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Aluminum Chloride

Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes Markets TDS Share
Ground 1050 KG, 250 KG, 50 KG Drum 6 White to slightly yellow or grey hygroscopic material

Catalyst and flocculant

AlCl3 content min. 99.0

Pulp & Paper , Textiles , Petrochemicals , Polymeric Materials , Minerals & Pigments TDS
Screened 1000 KG, 230 KG, 50 KG 6 White to slightly yellow or grey hygroscopic material

Catalyst and flocculant

AlCl3 content min. 99.0

Pulp & Paper , Textiles , Petrochemicals , Polymeric Materials , Minerals & Pigments TDS

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