When safety matters

The demand for industrial explosives is growing worldwide, fueled by the constant need for natural resources and large-scale infrastructure projects. BASF's raw materials are used as one of many ingredients for the production of various types of explosives, typically employed for mining, quarrying, tunneling, blasting, or construction. Consistency and quality are key for performance and safety.

BASF has developed a chemical synthesis process to manufacture sodium nitrate that is free of perchlorates, which are considered a persistent contaminate of concern. Sodium nitrate from BASF can also be used for other forms of energetic materials.

Examples of applications include:

Sodium Nitrate

  • Production of explosives, blasting powder, flares, etc.

Ammonium Chloride

  • Forms a shock-sensitive explosive when reacting with silver compounds

Sodium Sulfite

  • Production of trinitrotoluene

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Inorganics for industrial explosives

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Product Packaging Shelf Life
Appearance Attributes TDS Share
Ammonium Chloride
NA Grade 1000 KG, 25 KG 24 White, fine crystalline powder

Technical grade with anti-caking up to 0.05

NH4Cl content min. 99.7

Sodium Nitrate
HQ FF Technical Grade 1000 KG, 25 KG 36 White, crystalline product

High purity product via synthetic manufacturing, perchlorate free

Sodium Nitrate content min. 99.5

Sodium Sulfite
Technical Grade 25 KG, 500 KG, 1000 KG, 1250 KG 24 White or slightly yellowish, odorless, fine crystalline powder

Reducing and bleaching agent

Na2SO3 content min 97.5


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